Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Step one. (Literally)

Step two.

Step three.

Step four.

Step five.

Shadow Play

Watch your back theres a tiger.

I call it "Love & War"

I think my shadow is evil.

Check out how straight my shadow's tongue is.

If you have never played "The Legend of Zelda" That is what you call the Triforce.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pictures that describe me

One of my favorite bands and describes a core in my lifestyle. First word: Metal.

A is for anarchy. A Metalhead's lifestyle.

Without monster I wouldn't be able to stay up all night "rockin out" at the concerts.

 The way of the streets when it comes to "turf". Second word: street.

The word itself. Just by seeing it should bring your own defenition to it.

Just a few things that is everyday life in the street. Basketball, Ghetto fashions, and Chain-linked fences.

Shuffling is a form of dance that originated in australia and since then has become one of the most popular rave dances.

This is a semi-rare event of someone shuffling while they do poi.

This is poi. It is similar to the island's fire dancing but with a new age twist.

This is poi with the lights off. Seems alot cooler now doesn't it?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Scavenger Hunt

New security camera. We pay attention.

How I have missed school lunch.

So relaxed.

New Start sign. Cheerful right?

Green house enabeling plants to grow better.

Not very often you see another school sign over the real school's sign.

Chaos at it's finest.

This fool (me) hanging around at the park.

Yay! A new person!

Students learning. (took this picture without people seeing us)